Sail 9: The Church

The seven periods of Church History

Period 1 – The Apostolic Church… 30 – 100 A.D. Simon, who is called Peter, and his brother Andrew 1,2
Ends with the Death of the Apostle John (100 AD) James son of Zebedee, and his brother John 3,4
Philip, Bartholomew (Nathanael), Thomas 5,6,7
Matthew the tax collector, James son of Alphaeus, and
Thaddaeus (Judas, son of James), Simon the Zealot
Judas Iscariot, Matthias, Paul  12
Period 2 – The Persecuted Church… 100 – 313 A.D. Justin Martyr 100 165
Ends with the Edict of Constantine  (313 AD) Tertullian 145 195
Irenaeus 130 201
Period 3 – The Imperial Church… 313 – 476 A.D. John Chrysostom 347 407
Ends with the Fall of Rome  (476 AD) Jerome 342 420
Augustine 354 430
Period 4 – The Medieval Church… 476 – 1453 A.D. Peter Abelard 1079 1142
Ends with the Fall of Constantinople  (1453 AD) Thomas Aquinas 1225 1274
John Wycliffe 1302 1384
John Huss 1369 1415
Period 5 – The Reformed Church… 1453 – 1648 A.D. Desiderius Erasmus 1466 1536
Ends with the End of The 30-year War  (1648 AD) Martin Luther 1483 1546
John Calvin 1509 1564
Thomas Cartwright 1535 1603
Period 6 – The Modern Church… 1648 – 1912 A.D. Roger Williams 1603 1683
Ends at the Birth of Francis Schaeffer  (1912 AD) Jonathan Edwards 1703 1758
George Whitfield 1714 1770
John Wesley 1703 1791
William Wilberforce 1759 1833
William Carey 1761 1834
Charles Spurgeon 1834 1892
D.L. Moody 1837 1899
Period 7 – The Contemporary Church… 1912 – now J. Gresham Machen 1861 1937
Ends at the Rapture of the Church Peter Marshall 1902 1949
C.S. Lewis 1895 1963
Francis Schaeffer 1912 1984
Bill Bright 1921 2003
D. James Kennedy 1930 2007
Phillip E. Johnson 1940 2019
John Whitcomb 1924 2020
Outline revised from Dr. Jesse Hurlbut  The Story of the Christian Church  

NEXT – Sail 10 – The Great N.E.E.D